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I was depressed, traumatized and broken.
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Most places welcome women and it’s possible to become a nun.
- Worldwide: Goenka 10 days Vipassana meditation
3 months waiting list in the west. Short waiting list in Asia. Good retreat for beginners but don’t get stuck on this technique. Many followers of Goenka don’t know that these retreats come from Theravada Buddhism and the teacher of Goenka was taught by a Theravada Monk Ledi Sayadaw. If you want to know where the teachings of Goenka come from you can read the Pali Canon and Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Sumedho. All retreats are free because people make donations to offer free retreats to others. You will not be asked to make a donation. You can make donations but there is no pressure.
All continents:
* - Thailand: Wat Pah Nanachat (Ajahn Chah organization)
Available anytime, you can stay as long as you want for free. Wat Pah Nanachat is a training monastery to discipline the mind with strict schedule, a few meditation hours and tasks (sweeping, cleaning).
I learned a lot by staying there on month.
The Ajahn Chah organisation is well known and renowned. For people looking for a long term ordination they can go to Ajahn Chah. They do not offer short term ordination for a few month. It takes 2 months to become to become Anagarika then after 4 months as Anagarika you can become Samanera (apprentice monk wearing the robe) for 1 year then you can become a monk (Bhikkhu) for 5 years. After this, your training is considered finished and the time you committed for is finished. All along the 6 years you are free to leave anytime but this commitment is there to help you not to give up when your motivation gets low for a few days.
They have monasteries in Thailand, UK, Portugal, Brazil, California, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, etc. open to visitors to meditate for free. After Goenka, it’s a good idea to go to Ajahn Chah monasteries. You will learn that Goenka Vipassana comes from Theravada Buddhism and the Pali Canon.
You can find the list of all their monasteries here :
Wikipedia Forest Tradition
* - East Thailand : Near Ubon Ratchathanni : Wat Nong Pa Phong
You can stay there for free. It’s the original monastery for Thai people where Ajahn Chah was teaching. You can visit the Ajahn Chah Museum and Pagoda and Kuti. They speak very little English but it’s possible to stay and you can practice the Thai language. (Wat Pah Nannachat was created to welcome foreigners. It’s 7km from Wat Nong Pa Phong. You can easily walk between both monasteries in 90 min. It’s beautiful.)
* - North Thailand: Near Chiang Mai: Pa Pae Meditation Retreat
Good Place to do a retreat. It’s quite relaxed and you will have time to spend with yourself to think and meditate. It’s free. No pressure to donate
* - North Thailand: Near Pai: Wat Pa Tam Wua
Good place to do a retreat. It’s a little strict with the schedule but you will learn a lot and train your mind. It’s free. No pressure to donate.
* - Myanmar : Pa Auk Monastery
The Monastery used to be open to everyone for free but Myanmar is closed because of political instability.
Pa Auk is good for very advanced meditators looking for a long silent retreat. This organisation does not teach. Ajahn Chah is better for teachings.
* - North India: Deer Park Institute
I went there June 2022. It’s a small monastery. There is not much happening. They have a dormitory for foreigners. it’s 3$ per day. 3 meals per day and 1$ for each meal but you need to register for each meal. When I was there, there were almost no teachings and 1 hour meditation in the morning.
* - North Malaysia: Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary
You can do a silent retreat there for short term and long term. They will ask no help from you for the first 2 months. You will be free to meditate. You will get a free private room and free food to meditate. It’s also possible to ordain as a monk for minimum 9 months.
* - North West India: Tushita Meditation Centre
They offer 1 hour free meditation each day at 10am. (The Goenka center next door offers meditation at 9am for Goenka Students.) Tushita offers many paid retreats you can find on their website. I did their 10 days introduction to Tibetan Buddhism for 95 euros. You need to pay before the course in cash only. 3 meals per day included. I think it’s a good place to learn more about Tibetan Buddhism but they also advise to study Ajahn Chah in Theravada buddhism. I think Tibetan Buddhism is sometimes against the teachings of the buddha in the Pali Canon even if they say they follow the Buddha. Many monks never read the Pali Canon which I find surprising. Even the Dalai Lama says to be careful with some Tibetan texts and that he does not endorse some Tibetan teachings.
* - Central Thailand: near Rayong : Watmarpjan
You can meditate there for free. It’s strict. - South Thailand : near Surat Thani : Suan Mokkh International Dharma Hermitage
You can meditate there for free. - South Thailand: Koh Samui Island: Dipabhāvan Meditation Center
You can meditate there for free.
* - South Thailand: Ko Pha Ngan Island: Wat Khao Tham
You can meditate there and stay for a free retreat before or after the Full Moon Party.
* - I went to the International center of Osho in Pune in North West India. It’s small and not my vibe. You have to pay 30$ for one day teaching and 20$ for a purple and white robe. You need the robes to enter. Osho makes great highlights on instagram but not everything he says is good. He teaches to run after cravings, pleasures and aversions which is exactly what the Buddha teaches against.
* - I visited Sadhguru center, Isha Foundation in Coimbatore in South India. It’s nice to visit for 3 hours for free. The size is good. The Pagoda is small. Maybe 10 westerners. I think it might be ok for a yoga retreat but Sadhguru says a lot of weird things if you listen to everything he says. Like Osho he can make beautiful highlights on instagram but I would not take him as a guide. You might disagree with many things he says about women and animals. He goes against the Buddha in many ways. He behaves a lot like a politician. You are free to follow any teacher. I wish you to find the best teacher to help you.
I like reading the Pali Canon.
The best way to start is to start. Don’t make it over complicated. I wish you the best. Usually people waste time and give up by trying meditation alone so try a free meditation center then try another one and keep learning. Find what is right for you. I think finding peace in the sensations of the breath (Nimitta) and enjoying them (Nimitta) is key. I think Goenka is good for beginners but it’s better to continue in Ajahn Chah Monasteries. It’s not really religious. I think I wasted time being stuck on Goenka meditation. Be careful with who you listen to. There are good and bad monks. Read the Pali Canon to think for yourself and know the teachings of the Buddha. Many teachers talk about following the Buddha and do the opposite. Many Tibetan monks recommend Ajahn Chah.
Don’t close yourself to only one custom or technique. Let go, Let come.
here is a great documentary about Vipassana meditation:
Alternative Communities to work, live and meditate:
1. Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India (3000 people)
2. Arcosanti, Arizona, USA (80 people)
3. Tamera, Portugal (200 people)
You can find more addresses of communities on these websites. You can also find places to volunteer and travel. It can also be a good way to learn languages and take a year away from your routine cheaply. There are many ways to live happy.
Working holiday visa
A good way to travel and make friends is to go to hostels. There is a chain of hostels called . They offer a monthly package called CoLive with free yoga and free coworking space. check them out. It’s also possible to find hostels where you can volunteer, you can learn a lot volunteering in a hostel and learn languages. Try to pick hostels with breakfast included to meet people in the morning.
Best Meditation guide books 
The Mind Illuminated: A Complete Meditation Guide Integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science for Greater Mindfulness by John Yates (2017)
It’s the best guide book I know for beginners. It’s extremely well made. For people more advanced. Ajahn Brahm leading to Jhana meditation is better. Enjoy the sensations of your breath.
Free AudioBook on YouTube
Free on Audible (It’s free, if it’s your first time accepting an audiobook from a friend)
Free PDF
Ajahn Brahm – Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond
Good book for people who already understand meditation and want to progress with Jhanas.
Bhikkhu Kumara questions the importance of Jhanas to progress and the right translation of Jhana from what the buddha meant. I think Bhikkhu Kumara might be right. Relax your body and stay open.
People can also read books and watch videos from Ajahn Sumedho. He is a helpful teacher.
Free on Audible (It’s free, if it’s your first time accepting an audiobook from a friend)
Free PDF
The Power of Focusing: A Practical Guide to Emotional Self-Healing by Ann Weiser Cornell (1996)
Very powerful therapy to do with friends or professionals to release painful emotions and trauma quickly. It unlocked many trauma/PTSD. I can see amazing progress for myself. It’s great to do it with a supportive friend.
The old version of the book can be downloaded here for free
In the Buddha’s Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon (The Teachings of the Buddha) by Bhikkhu Bodhi (2005)
Very good translation of the wisdom the Buddha taught. A Buddha is someone who learned the nature of reality without a teacher and reached nirvāṇa/nibbāna. Freedom from passion, aversion and ignorance.
Awake: It’s Your Turn by Angelo Dilullo (2021)
This book helped me to progress. It has important tips to progress with meditation and let go.
You can watch videos of the author Angelo Dilullo on Youtube.
All books can be acquired for free on Audible Amazon or might be available online for free streaming.
Amazon Audible offers a free book of your choice every time you stop your subscription or free-trial for 12 months.
People with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder have bad reactions to deep meditation and their connection to reality. Some doctors misdiagnose some people with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder because even doctors can make mistakes. Some people can beneit from meditation but it doesn’t work for all mental disorders. Finding a good psychiatrist and the right diagnosis is essential to find the right treatment. An educated psychiatrist should know if meditation and psychedelics can help or not. Psychedelics are very dangerous for people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other mental issues.
I find that what he explains about the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi is pretty good:
The teachings of the Buddha go further so don’t get stuck on one practice and misleading gurus.
My favorite documentary series is Cosmos by Neil Degrasse Tyson. What he explains about life, science and the universe is really amazing and the special effects are beautiful. It’s a masterpiece.
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Trailer

Doctor Dissects the Wim Hof Method & Tibetan Tummo meditation
Psychedelic therapies are still under legal research in many countries like in USA. People interested should talk to qualified doctors and not random doctors who don’t know what they are talking about. Psychedelic therapies are legally prescribed in very few countries in 2020 but slowly become more available. These therapies are complex with serious risks and not advisable to everyone. Focusing therapy and psychedelic therapies can be used together to get much better results. This book has some info “Psychedelic Psychotherapy-R. Coleman” More information are available on
I made a list of Ketamine Clinics in America & Europe. Ketamine therapies show good improvements with many people that have deep depression or PTSD and with people getting poor results with SSRI. Ketamine has some risks too. Ketamine clinics should do focusing therapy at the same time. If they don’t offer that and just let people have a nice trip alone, they miss an opportunity to have much better results to relieve depression and trauma much deeper and faster. It’s not professional to treat mental health with a ketamine infusion and a “see you next time”. Find what is right for you. It’s possible to find Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). Ketamine can help some people with bipolar disorder but not always. Ketamine for OCD. – Ketamine danger. A lot of people with trauma will be called Bipolar by some doctors. Many doctors put a lot of things under the label Bipolar disorder. Some people diagnosed with Bipolar disorder cannot find help with meditation but some can heal their trauma and heal from that diagnosed Bipolar disorder that is very different from other types of Bipolar disorder. Heavy Trauma and anxiety disorder can wear out the mind and cause a lot of mental issues.
Interview Dr Levine April 2021:
Long term deep meditation in centers allows to work deeper in the mind, to heal and change habits with no risks to a normal brain. I find deep meditation to work deeper than psychedelics for my PTSD. I got amazing results with focusing therapy and ketamine. I got even better results with deschloroketamine taken in small doses with focusing therapy and meditation. Deschloroketamine is a more a challenging experience and less harmful to the bladder. It’s a bad strategy to take SSRI or psychedelics or doing therapy without practicing equanimity and the understanding that suffering comes from our daily cravings and aversions.
Vice documentary on Ketamine:
Dr Steve Levine Princeton, New Jersey
It’s possible to find the Ayahuasca Church of Santo Daime in many countries with knowledgeable people. They are legal under The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: freedom of religion (Art.18). They don’t always have a website and can be hard to find.
The is a religion similar to Santo Daime that is called União do Vegetal. They are both recognized and legalized in USA.
Unother religion related to Santo Daime, Christianity, African religions and Ayahuasca is Umbanda or Ubandaime.
May all beings be at peace – သတ္တဝါ အားလုံး ငြိမ်းချမ်းပါစေ 🐒

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights signed by 192 countries guarantees equal rights (Art.1), freedom of religion (Art. 18), the right to medical care (Art. 25).